In which states can I purchase a package?
WellnessFX is currently available in the states listed below. States with a * next to them are also open for consultations.
- Alabama*
- Alaska
- Arizona*
- Arkansas
- California*
- Colorado*
- Connecticut*
- Delaware*
- District of Columbia*
- Florida
- Georgia*
- Idaho*
- Illinois*
- Iowa
- Indiana*
- Kansas*
- Kentucky*
- Louisiana*
- Maine
- Massachusetts*
- Michigan*
- Minnesota*
- Mississippi
- Missouri*
- Montana
- Nebraska*
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico*
- Nevada*
- North Carolina*
- Ohio*
- Oklahoma*
- Oregon*
- Pennsylvania*
- South Carolina*
- Tennessee*
- Texas*
- Utah*
- Vermont
- Virginia*
- Washington*
- West Virginia*
- Wisconsin*
- Wyoming
We're continuing to work on opening in more states, and hope to be in your state soon. WellnessFX's services are currently not available outside the United States.